Entry list


26thROBO-ONE Light March 3 2024  
Location:Atsugi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Number of entries:108

26thROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
1508 Epsilon Star Hida-Kamioka HighSchool Robotics Club 33cm 1.18kg
1509 Epsilon Flame Hida-Kamioka HighSchool Robotics Club 33cm 1.18kg
1465 Altair_Lily QUHP_G 35cm 1.18kg
1486 kugou ku1 38.5cm 1.18kg
1507 Epsilon Peace Hida-Kamioka HighSchool Robotics Club 33cm 1.18kg
236 reverse nova Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 36cm 1.19kg
1487 clarent Osaka Electro-Communication University Jiyu-KoboHRP 30cm 1.19kg
238 SATUKIITIGOUGI Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 37.2cm 1.19kg
1471 purokeritasu Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 39.2cm 1.19kg
963 SUPERRAIANKIT raian 33cm 1.19kg
1513 KABUTOMUSI Daidou University Old Boy 34cm 1.195kg
1479 Fighting ogigi nizigakurobobu yato 36.5cm 1.196kg
1268 Harpuia Ji-ko 27cm 1.199kg
1418 femuto Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP 30cm 1.199kg
1475 Fulunes VFR 35cm 1.2kg
1514 kogara Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP 25cm 1.2kg
1578 Lemonade
Nijigasaki HighSchool Robotics Club shiruku 30cm 1.2kg
904 Helios Tsuno 30cm 1.2kg
1593 ARUKUKUN2GOU roboticslowcost 35.5cm 1.2kg
1615 ZAURA S kenta 30cm 1.2kg
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