Entry list


MISUMI Presents 33rd ROBO-ONE September 23 2018  
Location:Kanagawa Prefecture Youth Center/ Watching free
Number of entries:132

MISUMI Presents 33rd ROBO-ONE 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
44 Dark Fighter Cheng-Shiu University 48cm 2.9kg
1010 ebiron Ritsumeikan University Robot Research Society of Technology 48.0cm 3.0kg
73 Atlas o lantern Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 48.1cm 4kg
241 Dezafinesu o lantern Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 48.6cm 3.2kg
575 NTUST 9453 Taiwan Number One 49cm 2.9kg
70 Chrysaor Kobe Municipal High School of Science and Technology 49.0cm 2.93kg
772 Eudyptes Moryu 50cm 3kg
584 Lupus Fukuokakoudairobotproject 50cm 3kg
472 smoke life osanporengou sss 50cm 2.95kg
170 daigacku over boost akituka 50cm 2.8kg
83 Gorai-oh
Koba 50cm 2.96kg
398 rei chiba Institute of Technology bunnkakai sougoukougakukennkyuukai shibata 50cm 2.7kg
983 hanzo Kyushu University Humanoid Project 50cm 3.92kg
296 Defiant
STROB 50cm 3kg
115 Metallic Fighter Morinaga 50cm 0kg
989 Zwei Zwei 50cm 2.6kg
908 schrott Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP 50cm 2.99kg
864 ATTO MkⅣ denken 50cm 2.9kg
971 nbanza daido daigaku robot kenkyuubu nbanza seisakuhan 50cm 3kg
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