Entry list


MISUMI Presents 13th ROBO-ONE Light September 24 2016  
Location:Kanagawa Prefecture Youth Center
Number of entries:76

MISUMI Presents 13th ROBO-ONE Light 's entry list

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ID Photo Robot Name Team Name Height Weight
No image Blizzaia Osaka Electro-Communication University JiyuKoubou HRP cm kg
No image ginko karakuri cm kg
No image Gluck cm kg
No image Body and mind pure Robot cm kg
51 Pumpkin 40cm 0.99kg
53 SAKU-san cm 0.85kg
75 kagari 45cm 1.9kg
76 prime 52cm 4kg
77 tsukiyogarasu 40cm 0.99kg
114 KOBIS cm kg
120 XEMNES 30cm 0.98kg
128 Simple Fighter light 30cm 0.99kg
141 Bambo Custom 37.5cm 1.5kg
154 okabot zero 40cm 1.7kg
193 GANGA cm kg
236 Reven the great 36cm 1.19kg
237 Agent
45cm 1.99kg
238 IGNIS 37.2cm 1.19kg
250 AXIS Team HTS OB 40cm 1.5kg
276 akusizufo 30cm 1kg
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